Thursday, January 28, 2010

+ The Celebrated Letter +

In the year 2030 computers will crash and all information that will be passed on to future generations will be lost. Your grandchildren won't have any trace of what you looked like because all photographs solely belonged to facebook and flickr. They won't have any recollection of what your conversations consisted of because they all existed on 'G chat'.
It is too often that our most important words are viewed through a screen, require a password, and have little to no tangibility.

Letters: are they a receding trend? Some argue a growing popular trend. In a digitized age we scrutinize fonts like Arial, Bookman Old Style, or Didot, wondering which will capture our own hand best. We could have a whole discussion on the beauty of fonts that 'Word' offers.

However, nothing is more timeless and original, especially now that Valentine's Day is around the corner, than a handwritten letter. The uniqueness and inability to duplicate it is invaluable.
One of my favorite places to grab one of a kind cards is at Crossroads Trade on Harvard Ave. in Brookline, Massachusetts. They carry an international array of pieces from various artists who's art belongs to this ideal.
Take a peek.

from Salmonberry Studio

from Gaza's Atfaluna Society for Deaf Children, made by Noel Shawa

Haitian embroiderery

Japanese Origami card made by 'Mingei' $6.75

"Cupid" a 3-D paper creation made in Peru by a fellow, Pedro. "He would just take a pair of scissors and snip away", says Crossroads Trade owner Katie Harris. $6.50

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