Monday, November 1, 2010

+ Ivan Fernandez Gonzalez +

  F. O. R. T.  P. O. I. NT        c .o .y .o .t .e ____ p .a .i .n. t. i. n. g.s____

Ivan lives with his wife Francesca in their Fort Point studio. Their bedroom is an old elevator shaft. The two enjoy a nice glass of wine. She is a scientist. They are both from Milan and new to Boston. I hope you like his illustrations and paintings as much as I like seeing broken skateboards made into penned illustrations (see first image).

they can be visited on  the 2nd floor of Midway Studios.

(taken with my Droid camera - apologies for the grainy resolution...)


1 comment:

  1. Hi Meggie,
    thanks a lot for this pictures.
    Ivan Fernandez Gonzalez
    "Coyote Painting Walls"


My photo
Born in London. Raised in suburbia. Former Californian. Current New Yorker.

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